Superstition, Swimming and Soul Patch

We are all constantly challenged and confronted by life’s inevitable surprises and inherent quirks. But as one who has a historic penchant for fate and its consistent role in every day, even I was at a loss as to how, in my debut appearance in Golf Australia Magazine (Feb edition), there was also a 6-page spread on golfing in Iceland of all places, including coverage of Westerman Islands (where the original Peter the Puffin was caught) and puffins for heaven’s sake! One can only marvel at its originality.

It clearly doesn’t happen every day so below is the front cover and for the full article click here.

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In addition to my first “splash” into printed media, I have signed up for a 1.4 km swim down the south coast on the 9th March which should be a serious challenge. Especially, as the competitors hit the water at Shark Bay and the finish is into a well-renowned surf beach. Not ideal for a quadriplegic with hand paddles strapped to his mits. As you can imagine, I am praying for benign conditions. To see further details or get involved, click here.

A few months back, my brother Martin announced to the family he had procured and leased a block of land down the south coast, including a quaint cottage, and would be transforming it into an organic farm. Although he has always harboured a strong interest in growing herbs and vegetables, I think he would agree, his experience was relatively shy. I am immensely proud to say that in 4 short months and after hundreds of hours of hard work he has the “Soul Patch” absolutely humming. From tomatoes to basil, sweetcorn to radish he literally has a grocery store growing in his backyard. Check out some of the turnips and zucchini flowers…


I know I’m biased, but I genuinely think the basil is the best I’ve ever tasted. Apart from selling the local markets, he is also selling directly to restaurants and supermarkets and I believe he is even trading farm fresh vegetables for petrol at the local station. Amazing! As a brother, it has been awesome to see. If you like the look of his produce definitely check out Instagram @thysoulpatch

Yesterday, I attended the AGM and first golf day of the year for the NSW Amputee Golf Association at Long Reef Golf Club. THESE GUYS ARE FLAT OUT AMAZING! Personally, it was a real treat to follow Geoff Nicholas (left in the first photo), arguably the greatest amputee golfer of all time, and a double leg amputee James, who plays off 5. That said, I think a few of them were jealous of my Paragolfer buzzing about.





They all agree that it is high time for the profile of the disabled game to be lifted, more players attracted and greater support and structure. That’s where Empower Golf comes in.

Finally, after a relatively uneventful birthday which fell on a Monday this year, Sarah casually dropped into conversation that a good friend of ours, Lloyd, may take us out on the following Friday for a cheeky bite to eat. All I knew was that I was supposed to be at the Opera Bar in front of the Opera House by 6pm. What I thought would be dining for three, exploded into super surprise drinks/dinner with 30 or so friends, a fantastic show called La Soiree (where Cabaret meets Cirque du Soleil) and dancing until well over midnight at the pop-up bar, which was conveniently established for January, on the terrace adjacent to the Opera House. Definitely one of the best birthdays I can remember and uniquely surreal due to the iconic location and beautifully mild Sydney Summer’s night.
